Zii Inventory–How to Authorize Customers to Order Online Go to “Customers” under “Sales” Click “Edit” next to the customer info. Make sure there’s an email address. Click “INVITATION...
Zii Inventory–How to Process E-Commerce Orders E-commerce orders can be found in “ECommerce Order” after being placed. The stauts of the order is “Initail”. Click “Edit”....
Zii Inventory–How to Enable an Item for E-Commerce Sales Make sure at least one branch has been setup as the e-commerce branch. Go to “Product”. Enable the category for...
Zii Inventory–How to Enable or Disable E-Commerce Item Prices Displaying Items’ prices could be displayed or hidden. To hide or display items’ prices from all customers Go to “System Settings”....
Zii Inventory–How to Setup E-Commerce Freight Go to “Business Data” under “Configuration”. Go to “Expense Types”. Click “ADD”. Set up the “Expense Type Code” and “Description”....