Go to “Sales Order” under “Sales”.

Click on “+ADD”.

Choose the customer.

Select the salesperson.

Toggle on “Wholesale” if needed, with this switch on, items will be added with wolesale prices. (Optional)

Set up the expected shipping date if needed. (Optional)

Click here to leave a note. (Optional)

Adjust if the amounts are tax inclusive. (Optional)

Click “Add a line” to add items.

Select products.

Choose a unit as needed.

Enter its quantity.

Set up the discount rate or discount amount for this item if needed. (Optional)

Adjust the tax rate if needed. (Optional)

Click to leave a remark. (Optional)

Click “Discount” to give an order discount if needed. (Optional)

Click “Save” to save the quotation.

Click “APPROVE” to transfer this quotation to a sales order.