Zii Inventory–How to Manage a Defective Product

(i) Set Up a Warehouse for Recording the Defective.

Turn on “Defective” when you set up the warehouse, and every product that is received in this warehouse will be marked as defective.

(ii) Receive In the Defective

To marked a product as defective in the system, you need to choose the defective products warehouse when you doing the “Receive-in” ticket or “Other Stock in” ticket.

(iii) Stock Out the Defective

Choose the defective product warehouse to mark the stock-out defective product.

(iv) Check the Stock Balance of the Defective

The quantity of the defective will NOT be counted in the stock balance by default. To check the stock balance of the defective from different perspectives, please toggle on “Defective Product”.

Stock Balance Inquiry
Merchant Stock Inquiry
Stock Balance Detail Inquiry
Updated on 16 January 2024

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