Go to “Promotion & Discount” under “Products.

Click on “+ADD”.

Enter the promotion’s name.

Select a business type to use this promotion.

Select a company to use this promotion, or, leave it to be blank to make the promotion available for all companies.

Setup this promotion price to be tax included or excluded.

Setup the date range.

Limit the sales method.

Leave a note if needed.

Click on “+Add” on the left section to setup the condition.

Setup a minimum quantity.

Or setup a minmum order value.

Under the “Among” section, you may seletc the item by product category or product tag. Also, you may click “Add” to add the item directly.
Or just leave it to be blank to make the range to be all items

If you want to setup a quantity limitation for an item.
For example, the promotion will be only available for 100 quantities of a certain item.
Click on “Add”.

Tick the item, and then enter the max quantity and click “Yes”.

If you want to exclude some items from this promotion, you may go to “Except Among”

Then select the item by categories or tags, or click “Add” to add items.

Click “Save & Close”.

Click “+Add” on the right section to setup rewards.

There are three kinds of promotion
Discount (Click to jump)
Free products (Click to jump)
Discounted Purchase (Click to jump)

Keep the reward type to be “Discount”.

After “Discount” is chosen, a range needs to be selected.

Then choose it to be an amount discount or a percentage discount.

Enter the discount value or the discount rate.

Enter a description for this rewards.

Setup a max discount if needed.

Tap “Save & Close”.

Free products discount
Choose the reward type to be “Free Product”

Enter a description for this promotion.

Tick this if the rewards could still be applied whenever it reaches the multiple times of the condition you set up.

Adjust the rewards quantity of per order.

Under “Among” section, select the free products by category or by tag. Or click “Add” to add ones.

You may limit the total quantity of free products after clicking “Add”.
Tick the item and modify the quantity, then click “Yes”.

Or go to “Except Among” to setup products that couldn’t be gifted.

Click “Save & Close”.

Discounted Purchase
Choose the reward type to be “Discounted Purchase”

Enter the description of this reward.

Tick this if the rewards could still be applied whenever it reaches the multiple times of the condition you set up.

Adjust the rewards quantity of per order.

Under “Among” section, select the free products by category or by tag. Or click “Add” to add ones.

You may limit the total quantity of discounted purchased products after clicking “Add”.
Tick the item and modify the quantity, then click “Yes”.

Or go to “Except Among” to setup products that couldn’t be gifted.

Click “Save & Close”.

Click “Save”.

Click “APPROVE” to activate this promotion.

On POS page, when it macth the rules:
For discount promotion, it will display under the “discount” section. Click the circled “i” icon to check the promotion detail.

For free products discount and discounted products, you’ll be able to see a highlighted notification. And you may click “Add” to select the products.

On Web Inventory page, when it macth the rules:
For discount promotion, it will show you “Promotion Detail” as the example below.

For free products discount and discounted products, you may click “Add promotion free products” to add products.