Go to “Product” under “Products”.

Double click the item or click “Edit”.

Go to “Variables & Pricing”.

Click “Consolidate Special Price”.

Click on “+Add”.

There are two types of consolidate special price:
Discount Sepcial (Click to jump to the chapter)
Fixed Special (Click to jump to the chapter)
TYPE I: Discount Speical
Enter a minimum quantity requirement.

Setup a start date and an end date.

Keep the calculation type to be “Discount”.

Select a discount type.
- Cash Discount/Unit: Each single item will be discounted a certain amount after reaching the minimum quantity.
- Package Cash Discount: The order will be discounted a certain amount after reaching the minimum quantity.
- Discount %: The order will be discount by percentage after reaching the minimum quantity.

Enter the discount rate or the deduction amount.

If “Discount %” is chosen, you may setup the rounding rules as needed.

And enter an extra fee for per product if needed.

And there are two explanations of “Keep When Exceed Minimun Quantity”.

E.g. 1
- When the minimum quantity is 5 and “Keep When Exceed Minimum Qty” is ticked, the special price will be available as long as the quantity exceeds 5.
E.g. 2
- When the minimum quantity is 5 and “Keep When Exceed Minimum Qty” isn’t ticked, the special price will be only available for the part that is the multiple of 5.
Click “Yes”.

Click “Save”.

Type II: Fixed Special Price
Enter a minimum quantity requirement.

Setup a start date and an end date.

Choose the calculation to be “Fixed”.

Select the pricing type.

- Package Valuation: a fixed total price for all of these products after reaching the minimum quantity requiement.
- Unit Pricing: a fixed unit price for every single product after reaching the minimum quantity requiement.
Enter the package valuation or the unit price.

And here are two explainations of “Keep When Exceed Minimum Qty”.

E.g. 1
- When the minimum quantity is 5 and “Keep When Exceed Minimum Qty” is ticked, the special price will be available as long as the quantity exceeds 5.
E.g. 2
- When the minimum quantity is 5 and “Keep When Exceed Minimum Qty” isn’t ticked, the special price will be only available for the part that is the multiple of 5.
Click “Yes”.

Click “Save”.