How to Arrange Items and Categories Displaying Sequence

Catgeories will be displayed here on ZiiPOS.

The sequence of the categories could be re-arranged if you want.

  • Go to the home page and click on the button in lower left corner.
  • Go to “Settings”.
  • Click on the button on the left and go to “Menu Group”.
  • Click on “Arrange” of the menu group which includes the categories that you need to re-arrange the sequence to.
  • Swipe up or down to check the categorise.

Tap the button next to the category and hold, then drag to change the sequence.

  • Drag the item to arrange its sequence.
  • Click on “Save” and then click on “Yes” to save.
  • Go back to the homepage of ZiiPOS, then log out of it and log in again to make sure that your settings are effective.
Updated on 9 July 2024

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