Before you process on the PDA, please make sure that you have powered on the Bluetooth printer.
Please follow the steps to set up.
- Press on the button like the one circled in the picture to go back to the home page.

- Go to “Commo Setting”.

- Go to “Bluetooth”.

- Toggle Bluetooth on and select the printer. The Bluetooth name of the printer is the same as the one shown on the printer.

- Enter the pair code, it should be 1234 or 0000.

- Once the printer paired successfully, you will find out the printer show in the “paired devices.”

- Press the home button to go back to the home page and go to “Assistant.”

- Tab “Set up.”

- Tab “Connect Printer.”

- Select a printer. (It may show multple printers if avaliable.)

- When the printer shows here, the configuration successfully.