ZiiPOS – Setup and Using Discounts

Flexible discounting is available within ZiiPOS in a few different formats.
These options include predefined and manually entered discount rates or values on the order, or a predefined or manually specified discount rate on a per item basis.
In this guide, we will talk about how to setup the preset discounting.

How to Apply Discounts

With the flexibility of discounting, there are a number of different tools and functions.
Each of the below will cover how to use each of the discounting tools.

ZiiPOS – How to Apply Order Discount

ZiiPOS – How to Apply Item Discount

Preset Discount – Setup

Setting preset discount amounts helps staff to quickly apply common specials and discounts to orders – such as Staff Discount or Pensioner Discount.

1. Log in to ZiiPOS with a Supervisor level account, and navigate to the Settings page via the left slider menu.

2. Open the left menu slider menu, and scroll down to find Discount.

3. Here you will see a list of any existing pre-set discounts.
To create a new defined discount, select New in the top right of the display, and the entry panel will show on the right.

4. From the Discount Policy entry panel, you will need to set the following:
> A unique code (system level only, not displayed in POS).
> The display name of the Discount.
> Discount Kind (method of calculation): $ or %, Item level or Order level.
> Rate/Amount (discount amount) in $ value or % rate (depends on the above setting).

5. Click the Save button at the bottom to ensure all changes are saved.

Updated on 9 July 2024

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